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Liberal media shocked that pro-abort Tomi Lahren says it’s a ‘Big Mistake’ to push overturning Roe v. Wade

Despite what the liberal media thinks, not all those who call themselves conservatives are pro-life. A perfect example of Fox News air head Tomi Lahren. She pretends to be a conservative, yet goes on places like The View to push he pro-abort agenda. Now, leftist crap sites like Mediaite are shocked that learn (again) that Lahren is pro-abort. Tomi Lahren is a reject from the failed Glenn Beck media empire that’s collapsing. Now she’s with Fox.

Liberal media shocked that pro-abort Tomi Lahren says it’s a ‘Big Mistake’ to push overturning Roe v. Wade
Liberal media shocked that pro-abort Tomi Lahren says it's a ‘Big Mistake’ to push overturning Roe v. Wade

Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren doesn’t think it’s a good idea for conservatives to push for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Lahren, who is reportedly appearing in an upcoming anti-abortion movie about Roe v. Wade, said right at the top, “Pressing for a Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade would be a big mistake.”

She cited a recent poll saying most people support it and argued that the focus for conservatives should be on issues like the economy and immigration.

Because, she added, “we lose when we start tampering with social issues

Here’s my stance on abortion. I don’t want my tax payer dollars used to fund them. It’s really that simple. But if you think about it, the more progressives abort their kids, the less left wing population will be in the future.