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St Jude family, attacked after thanking Eric Trump for donations

Eric Trump for helped raise $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. You would think something like this would be free of politics. If you thought that unfortunately, you were wrong. The left and neo con hatred of the Trump family keeps going at full speed. Even as Eric Trump helped raise over $16 million for St. Jude, the filthy left attacks.

St Jude family, attacked after thanking Eric Trump for donations
St Jude family, attacked after thanking Eric Trump for donations

The saga began when the woman responded to a tweet from Eric Trump plugging St Jude’s, calling it “the best cause in the world!”

“It has truly been one of the most important and meaningful missions of my life,” he added.

The woman would later explain in a video she did for the #WalkAway movement that her nephew, Zachary, is a cancer survivor who was treated at St. Jude’s at just 4-years-old and that she was forever grateful to the hospital and its staff, who are still helping the child deal with the aftereffects of his treatment.

“So I vow to say thank you to anybody who helps make that hospital run,” she said.

When Trump responded to her tweet, she said “the hate that has come out is unreal. Unreal.”

And it was because of this nastiness, which she said included claims she didn’t have a family member who was treated at St. Judes, that led her to do a video encouraging others to reject the hate.

She was also accused of being a Russian bot, naturally.