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Take a drive through Maxine Waters’ California district

If you want to see the definition of a shit-hole. take a drive through Maxine Waters’s California district. She represents district #43 in California. It includes the entirety of the cities of Hawthorne, Lawndale, Gardena, Inglewood and Lomita. To some, like the user who tweeted the video of Maxine Waters’ district, it looks “shockingly bad.” There is nothing shocking about it. This is how a lot of places are in California these days.

Take a drive through Maxine Waters’ California district
Take a drive through Maxine Waters' California district

This is what liberal run cities look like. Waters’ district includes cities like Hawthorne, Lawndale, Gardena, Inglewood and Lomita. What you see in the drive through of Maxine Waters’ district is what you see in a lot of districts in California. I don’t think Waters’ district has the feces odor of San Francisco, but you get the idea.

Maxine Waters is a poverty pimp who doesn’t even live in her district. Voters in California’s 43rd district are as much to blame for this as Waters is. They’ve re-elected Waters back to Congress for over 20 years. It doesn’t reflect well on the people of the district. They must
like living in these conditions.