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Where was John Roberts concern for Shannon Bream during SCOTUS announcement?

Yesterday in the UK, during a joint press conference between Trump and May, Trump called out Fake News CNN and NBC. Jim Acosta wasn’t allowed to shout his questions to Trump who never called on him. Kirsten Welker used fake news to try and smear Trump during a question. Trump called them both out then the media went into crybaby mode. What really triggered the media was when Trump called Acosta and CNN fake news. He then called on Fox News’ John Roberts to ask the first question.

Where was John Roberts concern for Shannon Bream during SCOTUS announcement?
Where was John Roberts concern for Shannon Bream during SCOTUS announcement?

The media everywhere, was crying at the top of their lungs about why Roberts didn’t say something to Trump about calling CNN and Acosta fake news. Roberts did. In a prepared statement and on live TV. The Canadian, CNN reject John Roberts is trying to be the new Shepard Smith.

Yet the same media, including John Roberts were silent when ABC’s Terry Moran tried to belittle Shannon Bream after Trump’s Supreme Court pick was announced. Bream tweeted that she felt threatened by radical left wing extremists and had to move indoors. So moron Moran decided to belittle her:

to which Bream owned Moran in a totally classy fashion:

Of course ABC never felt threaten. Far left radicals don’t attack their propaganda outfits. Where was John Roberts after this Terry Moran tweet? Oh that’s right, he was silent. Screw John Roberts, Jake Tapper and other liberal media hacks and their hypocrisy.