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Denver Post runs Letter to Editor that Trump should be executed

In our daily reminder why the media is the enemy of the people, this is what the Denver Post did. Suzanne Gagnon, a crazy left wing “feminist” called for the execution of Trump over Russia or something. The Denver Post decided to publish a “letter to the editor” from a crazy left wing Colorado nut calling for Trump to be executed. As sick and disgusting as this is, does anyone honestly think the same would have been done against Obama? It would have been wrong against Obama, just as it’s wrong now. But the corrupt media doesn’t care.

The Denver Post a few years ago used to sue people who used snippets of their articles (even with attribution.) That gives you an idea about just how pitiful the fish wrap really is. Just more consequences of the media and Maxine Waters’ daily meltdowns fomenting violence.

Denver Post runs Letter to Editor that Trump should be executed
Denver Post runs Letter to Editor that Trump should be executed

Gagnon then compared Trump to the Rosenbergs, who were tried and put to death for espionage in 1953. She said there are “many more actions” that should be taken against Trump.

“If it walks like a traitor, and talks like a traitor, and acts like a traitor … it is a traitor,” Gagnon said. “Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed on a basis of far less evidence than is had on Trump and many in his administration.”

“Besides being in agreement with the actions recommended in the editorial of July 19, I believe there are many more actions that can and should be taken against Trump to keep him from destroying the U.S.,” she said. “If our leader doesn’t support any swift, significant pushback against Russian meddling, our votes aren’t worth much.”

Compass Colorado, a conservative nonprofit organization, said the editorial is in line with the “increasingly violent tone” of political rhetoric on the left.

“The mere fact the Denver Post would publish a letter to the editor with this type of language speaks to both the increasingly violent tone of liberals in Colorado politics and the desperation of the Post for readership,” said Kelly Maher, executive director of Compass Colorado.