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Carlos Bayon – left wing terrorist threatens Steve Scalise on voicemail

Yesterday, it was a left wing extremist in Massachusetts who rammed a car because of a Trump bumper sticker. Now, Carlos Bayon, a New York left wing extremist threatened to kill Steve Scalise (who was shot by a Bernie Bro last year) over amnesty. Carlos Bayon left a threatening voice mail message for Steve Scalise in both English and Spanish. The threatening message was left on Scalise’s voicemail back on June 30th. It took over a month before any authorities arrested Bayon.

Carlos Bayon – left wing terrorist threatens Steve Scalise on voicemail
Carlos Bayon - left wing terrorist threatens Steve Scalise on voicemail

Hey listen, this message is for you and the people that sent you there. You are taking ours, we are taking yours. Anytime, anywhere. We know where they are. We are not going to feed them sandwiches, we are going to feed them lead. Make no mistake you will pay. Ojo por ojo, diente por diente (Spanish for “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth). That is our law and we are the majority. Have a good day.”

What the hell is with left wing extremists and Steve Scalise? He’s hardly the most conservative member of the House. This is just more of a result of fake news media and left wing terrorists like AntiFA trying to stir the base.

Carlos Bayon has been arrested nearly six weeks after leaving this threatening message. Bayon lives in Grand Island, New York and is likely another one of those crazy Ocasio-Cortez communists.