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Twitter suspends Libertarian accounts, Including Ron Paul Institute Director

Twitter’s censorship continues. One day after banning black conservative Candice Owens for re-posting the racist tweets by New York Times leftist Sarah Joeng, they are censoring more. Today, it seems libertarians are the target as several well known libertarians were suddenly banned by Jackass Dorsey and Twitter. Those banned include Ron Paul Institute Director Daniel McAdams. We’ve been banned by Twitter for reasons unknown since July 12th.

Meanwhile, no AntiFA, Occupy or other far left fringe Democrat groups have been purged by Twitter’s censorship.

Twitter suspends Libertarian accounts, Including Ron Paul Institute Director
Twitter suspends Libertarian accounts, Including Ron Paul Institute Director

On Monday, Twitter suspended the editorial director of Scott Horton, former State Department employee Peter Van Buren, and Dan McAdams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute.

Horton was reportedly disciplined for the use of “improper language” against journalist Jonathan M. Katz, he said in a brief statement, while McAdams was suspended for retweeting him, he said. Past tweets in both accounts were available to the public at the time of the writing, unlike the account of Van Buren, which was fully suspended.

According to TargetLiberty, Horton and McAdams fell victim of Twitter’s suspension algorithm after objecting to Katz’s quarrel with Van Buren over an earlier interview.