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170 registered voters listed as being over 116 years old still existed on voter rolls in #OH12

Now you see why #OH12 was so hyped by the media and the Democrats. Turns out nearly two hundred dead voters, are still on the voter rolls in that district. They aren’t listed as dead, the are listed as being 116 years old.

I know people are living longer these days, but there are fewer people making the age of 116 all over the world than are listed on the #Oh12 voter rolls. This also explains why suddenly there was a new batch of ballots found (like the Al Franken election) that shaved 190 votes off Balderson’s lead.

170 registered voters listed as being over 116 years old still existed on voter rolls in #OH12
170 registered voters listed as being over 116 years old still existed on voter rolls in #OH12

This is what Republicans are up against this November. The dead are coming alive to vote for Democrats again. They are up to the their same old tricks.

Eric Eggers, the research director at the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), reports that GAI accessed voter rolls in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District last August and found “170 registered voters listed as being over 116 years old [that] still existed on the [voter] rolls.”

Eggers notes that leftist billionaire and Democratic mega-donor George Soros pledged millions of dollars to fight against voter ID laws in Ohio before the 2016 elections.

While there is no indication that any fraudulent votes were cast in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District’s special election, it is important to note that Balderson’s narrow 1,564 vote lead highlights the importance of voter ID laws to protect the integrity of elections in the United States.