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Patreon and Mastercard ban Robert Spencer without explanation

Here we go again with big tech trying to censor conservatives. Robert Spencer, the author of 18 New York Times best selling books was suddenly banned by Patreon because of Mastercard of something. Robert Spencer is the man who runs the site called Jihad Watch a site devoted to reporting on Islamic extremism and Sharia Law.

Patreon and Mastercard ban Robert Spencer without explanation
Patreon and Mastercard ban Robert Spencer without explanation

Recently Alex Jones and Gavin McInnes have been banned from various social media platforms, in a desperate attempt by the Left to ensure that the 2016 election results aren’t repeated in 2018. Some people say it doesn’t matter that these men were deplatformed, because they don’t like what they say, and what’s more, these are all private companies. They are indeed private companies, but they have a virtual monopoly today over the means of communication, and once they start banning people because they don’t like what they say, they’ve set a precedent that is inimical to the survival of a free society.

If only approved viewpoints can be aired, we live in a totalitarian state, not a free society, and the effects of this will reverberate in our lives in ways we cannot imagine. If you think that the banning will stop when those who are deemed “crazy” or “extremist” are all banned, you’re in for a surprise.

Yesterday, they came for me, albeit in not yet as thoroughgoing a manner as the way they went after Jones and McInnes.

A few weeks ago the great David Wood swung by my office and helped me set up a Patreon account. We made a video in which I explained that I had come into possession of what once had been a working TV studio, and that I hoped to make it into a working studio again for regular Jihad Watch videos.

The whole endeavor had barely gotten off the ground, however, when I received this email yesterday afternoon: