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MSNBC on murder of Mollie Tibbetts: just some girl in Iowa

If you want your blood to boil, check out what MSNBC racist Christina Greer had to say about Mollie Tibbetts, the Iowa college woman murdered in cold blood by an illegal alien “dreamer.” You see, according to Greer and MSNBC, Mollie Tibbetts is “just some girl in Iowa” that “Fox News will tal about.” This was the only mention of Mollie Tibbetts on MSNBC for the day. So much for liberals caring about “family separation.” If your blood pressure isn’t too high, watch this disgusting video:

MSNBC on murder of Mollie Tibbetts: just some girl in Iowa
MSNBC on murder of Mollie Tibbetts: just some girl in Iowa

Want to be even more enraged? This Christina Greer bitch is a professor at Fordham University, getting paid with your tax dollars.