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CNN Cuomo: Trump and Fox News only care about Mollie Tibbetts because she’s white

The Cuomo family must have foot in the mouth disease. A week after his brother called America not that great, Chris Cuomo, a CNN propaganda blamed the anger over the murder of Mollie Tibbetts on the fact she was white. You read right, Chris Cuomo and CNN are saying that if you are fed up with illegal aliens murdering Americans, you only care because they were white. Cuomo goes on to whine about how these same people wouldn’t care if the murdered victim wasn’t white.

That’s very funny considering it’s conservatives to routinely mentioned the weekly shootings in Chicago. 400-500 people were shot to death in Chicago last year, most of which were black or Latino. Yet, CNN and Chris Cuomo never mentions it.

CNN Cuomo: Trump and Fox News only care about Mollie Tibbetts because she’s white
CNN Cuomo: Trump and Fox News only care about Mollie Tibbetts because she’s white

Last weekend in Chicago, over 60 people were shot. Did CNN, MSNBC, the alphabet or print media anywhere outside of Chicago mention this? Nope. Only conservative sites.

So Chris Cuomo, take your grandstanding ass and starting mentioning the weekly shooting totals in Chicago. When are you going to say that Rahm Emanuel doesn’t care about minorities because he continues to do nothing about the out of control shootings?

I am so damn sick on tired of these liberal media hacks like Chris Cuomo lecturing us about how “racist” we are. It may have worked decades ago, but that card is done now, like CNN.

Cuomo also mentions Seth Rich in his whinefest. I don’t think he was killed by a minority was he? Yet, Cuomo must have forgotten about that. This is why CNN is a joke and the Cuomo Crime Family are as big of scum as the Clinton Crime Family. I really hope Cynthia Nixon beats her brother’s ass in the election for governor.