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Cory Booker illegally releases ‘committee confidential’ Kavanaugh documents

I used to kind of like Cory Booker. That is until I found out just how crazy he is like the rest of the communist Democrats. Today, Booker illegally released ‘committee confidential’ Kavanaugh documents that were for Senate Judiciary Committee eyes only. In the spirit of transparency, unlike the Elena Kagan hearing, I suppose it’s not all bad aside from Booker’s illegal actions.

In their last ditch effort to try and derail the Kavanaugh train that’s about 99.999% certain to be confirmed as the new SCOTUS judge, this last ditch effort really did nothing to move the needle in either direction. So basically, it ends up being good for Kavanaugh because he’s far more transparent now and the Democrats still can’t stop his confirmation.

Cory Booker illegally releases ‘committee confidential’ Kavanaugh documents
Cory Booker illegally releases 'committee confidential' Kavanaugh documents

Cory Booker is a lot like Joe Biden. I used to kind of like Biden too. Then I watched the 2008 election and realized what a slimy, crazy and dumb piece of trash Biden was. Same holds true for Booker.