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CNN worried Michael Cohen could face perjury charges because of their fake news

Ever wonder why CNN is still sticking by their debunked story about Trump knowing about his son’s meeting with a Russian about adoption at Trump Tower? Aside from the fact that CNN has zero credibility left, they are also worried about something else. CNN is worried that if they come out and actual reported the fake news properly, that their boy Michael Cohen could face perjury charges.

CNN worried Michael Cohen could face perjury charges because of their fake news
CNN worried Michael Cohen could face perjury charges because of their fake news

“The guilty plea put new focus on Cohen and the discrepancy over his accounts of the Trump Tower meeting,” CNN wrote on August 28. “After Cohen’s plea, Davis began to change his story.”

The New York Post explained, “CNN is standing by the story because it says it has at least one other source for it, and because it suspects Davis changed his story only because Cohen could face perjury charges.”

However, Davis’ newest comments on “The View” — if truthful — debunk that line of reasoning.

“Did you change your story on whether President Trump knew about the meeting because you were protecting Michael Cohen from perjuring himself?” cohost Abby Huntsman asked Davis.

“No,” Davis replied. “I was telling the truth that I wasn’t certain, and I said I should have been more clear to the reporters.”

CNN also hinted strongly that Cohen was one of the original sources for its story, writing, “Cohen, unlike Davis, has not publicly addressed what he might have said to friends, associates or reporters about these matters.”

Davis denied on Thursday that Cohen ever claimed to know anything about the Trump Tower meeting to him. He told cohost Joy Behar that Cohen “was not sure with me” regarding whether or not Trump knew about the meeting in advance.