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Fake News: NY Times blames Nikki Haley for Obama’s $52,701 State Department curtains

The fake news media is going into overdrive today. First with Brett Kavanaugh and second with Nikki Haley. The New York Times knows Nikki Haley is a threat to Democrats to run for POTUS in 2024. So the smearing has begun early, and as usual, it turns out to be fake news. The New York Times released a hit piece today on Nikki Haley blaming her for purchasing $52,701 curtains for the State Department for Haley’s residence. The only problem is, the purchase of those $52,000 curtain were made in 2016, when Obama was president and lurch John Kerry was at the State Department.

Fake News: NY Times blames Nikki Haley for Obama’s $52,701 State Department curtains
Fake News: NY Times blames Nikki Haley for Obama's $52,701 State Department curtains

This proves yet again that FAKE NEWS media is the enemy of the media. Not the few legitimate reporters and media outlets that actually report on REAL news. The FAKE News media like the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN are the enemies of the people. Deal with it media hacks.