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Christine Blasey Ford protested at anti-Trump march in San Francisco April 2017

Christine Blasey-Ford and the Democrats did a great job of scrubbing all social media content to hide her biases against Trump and Kavanaugh. One thing they seem to have forgotten was an anti-Trump march in San Francisco back in April of 2017. At that “march”, leftists, including Christine Blasey Ford marched for the usual global warming BS, wearing pussy hats made to look like brains.

Christine Blasey Ford protested at anti-Trump march in San Francisco April 2017
Christine Blasey Ford protested at anti-Trump march in San Francisco April 2017

A Mercury News article from April of 2017 not only interviews Blasey Ford during that protest (she was going by the name Christine Blasey then), they even talk about her wearing those brain shaped pussy hats.

You Democrats really should have tried to have this article scrubbed along with the rest of her social media. This doesn’t exactly put Blasey-Ford in a non-paristian light.