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Reminder: Christine Blasey Ford never turned over therapist notes requested by Senate

It’s amazing what you could get away with if you are a progressive-media darling. Christine Blasey-Ford was told by the Senate Judiciary Committee to submit copies of her couples’ therapist notes from 2012. That’s allegedly the first time she ever uttered Brett Kavanaugh’s name, claiming sexual assault.

Blasey-Ford was able to get away with ignoring documents requested by the Senate for her show-sham questioning today. She, nor her attorneys ever turned over copies of those therapist notes from 2012. The media of course has completely ignored this.

Reminder: Christine Blasey Ford never turned over therapist notes requested by Senate
Reminder: Christine Blasey Ford never turned over therapist notes requested by Senate

Imagine if you were called to testify in any type of case as the accuser. You were required to provide documentations to back up your claims. If you didn’t produce those documents, you would be laughed out of the court room.

In the Senate, ignoring document requests like 2012 therapist notes is totally fine, as long as you are a far left communist activist trying to help Democrats “Bork” Brett Kavanaugh.