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Democrat smears backfire: Voter Opinions on Kavanaugh Grow Stronger

Democrats and the media have not only reengineered the Republican base with their shame, disgusting tactics to destroy Brett Kavanaugh, they’ve even caused his favorable to rise. A poll of 1,000 likely voters shows a significant bump in Kavanaugh’s approval ratings over what they were before last week’s circus.

Democrat smears backfire: Voter Opinions on Kavanaugh Grow Stronger
Democrat smears backfire: Voter Opinions on Kavanaugh Grow Stronger

As America becomes more familiar with Brett Kavanaugh, voters are developing strong opinions about the Supreme Court nominee, but their willingness to vote for senators who support him hasn’t wavered.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters have at least a Somewhat Favorable opinion of Kavanaugh, including 36% who have a Very Favorable impression. Forty-four percent (44%) view Kavanaugh unfavorably, with 30% who view him Very Unfavorably.