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NBC hack John Harwood bashes Chris Dudley free throws in NBA for defending Kavanaugh

It’s come to this. Chris Dudley, a former NBA player and college friend of Brett Kavanaugh is being smeared by the media for defending Kavanaugh. Dudley disputed claims that Brett Kavanaugh drank so much in college that he would pass out. It’s like the last ditch effort by the media and Democrats to try and smear Kavanaugh. It’s gotten so bad that John Harwood of NBC, CNBC is now bashing Chris Dudley for his NBA free throw percentage.

NBC hack John Harwood bashes Chris Dudley free throws in NBA for defending Kavanaugh
NBC hack John Harwood bashes Chris Dudley free throws in NBA for defending Kavanaugh

I’m willing to bet that Chris Dudley, even in his 50’s could still shoot free throws better than John Harwood.