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Da Nang Dick Blumenthal wants to ‘educate’ you why you should oppose Kavanaugh

When it comes to stolen valor, Da Nang Dick Blumenthal can “educate” just about anyone. On other matters, not so much. But on MSNBC Bluementhal said he wants to educate you why you should oppose Kavanaugh.

So I would continue to urge my colleagues to vote against him, and we need to educate the American people about the reasons for those decisions so that, in fact, they will be on the side of my colleagues. They will support them for that decision.”

You see, according Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, Brett Kavanaugh needs to be stopped because… are you ready for it… Abortion! Again it comes down to Roe Vs. Wade:

Da Nang Dick Blumenthal wants to ‘educate’ you why you should oppose Kavanaugh
Da Nang Dick Blumenthal wants to 'educate' you why you should oppose Kavanaugh

“I would understand their views and their vote in any event. I would continue to urge them, however, very strongly, that they should vote against Judge Kavanaugh because I think he’d be a fifth vote to overturn Roe v. Wade,” Blumenthal responded. “He’d be a fifth vote that would eliminate people’s right to marry the person they love, for women to decide when they want to become pregnant, for workers’ rights and other rights.”