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Flake a YEA vote on Kavanaugh ‘Unless Something Big Changes’

Looks like Jeff Flake’s Democrat BFF Chris Coons has more work to do. He announced earlier today after his YEA on cloture that he is a yea vote on Brett Kavanaugh tommorow after ‘unless something big changes.’ While it’s good to hear one of the GOP wimps is a yea vote on Kavanaugh, never take Flake at his word until the vote is actually cast.

You can bet the Soros goons and Chris Coons will be working overtime to try and persuade Flakey Flake to change his mind (again.)

Flake a YEA vote on Kavanaugh ‘Unless Something Big Changes’
Flake a YEA vote on Kavanaugh ‘Unless Something Big Changes’

That leaves Susan Collins, who is expected to announce how she will vote on Kavanaugh at around 3pm today.