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CNN still silent on their homophobic, racist White House reporter

Just as expected, CNN has remained silent on Kaitlan Collins, their homophobic and racist White House reporter.

Not a word from CNN corporate headquarters, Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper. Amazing how that always works out isn’t it? Had a Fox News reporter been found to have the exact same homophobic and racist tweets that liberal hack Kaitlan Collins had, you know what would happen. That reporter would be boycotted by left wing Soros/Steyer groups, sponsors would be pulling out and the media would be on it 24/7.

CNN still silent on their homophobic, racist White House reporter
CNN still silent on their homophobic, racist White House reporter

But since Kaitlan Collins is a liberal hack, the media, radical leftists and sponsors just don’t seem to care. Of course, hardly anyone watches CNN anyway.