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Despite racist media, Trump’s approval rises to 35% among African-Americans

No matter how much the media whines about Kanye West and Donald Trump, they can’t stop African-Americans leaving the Democrat party in droves. In a typical election year, African-Americans tend to vote 90-95% Democrat, no matter who’s running. Obama really brought out to African-American vote in 2008 and 2012 getting over 95% of the African-American vote then.

Now, things are changing, and drastically. While it might not sound like much, over 1/3 of African-Americans give Trump a positive job approval rating. That’s undoubtedly due to the fact that African-American unemployment is at all time record lows. It’s also why you see the media in complete meltdown after Trump’s meeting with Kanye West in the White House yesterday.

Typically, since African-Americans tend to vote Democrat, their approval ratings of Republican presidents tend to be in the single digits to low teens when pulled. With Trump at 35%, that’s nearly historically high for African-Americans and a Republican president.

Despite racist media, Trump’s approval rises to 35% among African-Americans
Despite racist media, Trump's approval rises to 35% among African-Americans

Bravo, Kanye, for help righting the ship. (Bravo, too, all those truly brilliant black conservatives from Thomas Sowell to Shelby Steele and my friend Larry Elder. There are more. You are true American heroes and the true heirs of Dr. King. You are the best, bar none, of our country.) And bravo, Donald Trump, as well. African-Americans have their lowest unemployment figures in decades. The welfare rolls are down, incomes are up, etc., etc. The times they really are a-changing — and African-Americans, not surprisingly, get it. Hence the rise to 35%.

Integration, the original goal of the civil rights movement when I was in it, is beginning to eke out a small comeback. Segregation, which has held sway for some time, reaching its apotheosis under former attorney general (and wannabe presidential candidate) Eric Holder, is finally on the wane.

The rise of Kanye, and a new generation of African-Americans who aren’t buying the tired Waters message, is one of the most heartening developments in our country in years.