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Kyrsten Sinema took NALEO scholarships meant for Hispanics

It boggles the mind how a Lady Gaga look-a-like white liberal trash like Kyrsten Sinema could ever get away with calling herself a Latina. That’s exactly what she did in 2011, and took NALEO scholarships away from those Hispanics meant to receive them. Democrats care about Hispanics? Only as long they vote Democrat, otherwises, Democrats like Kyrsten Sinema steal scholarships meant for deserving Hispanics. This is an image of the NAELO page from 2011 prompting Sinema as a Latina running in a non-Latino congressional district.

Kyrsten Sinema took NALEO scholarships meant for Hispanics
Kyrsten Sinema took NALEO scholarships meant for Hispanics

Image credit: Legal Insurrection via

Arizona, you have two choices this election. You have a Lady Gaga wannabe who claims to be a Latina, when she obviously isn’t vs a RINO, semi-reliable GOP vote in Martha McSally. Not much to choose from right?

Regardless what you may think of McSally, she would be worlds better than Lady Gaga fake Latina Sinema. She might even be better than Jeff Flake, but that’s a low bar.