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Kyrsten Sinema refuses to apologize for encouraging Americans to join the Taliban

Last night there was a debate in Arizona for the two Senate candidates to replace the snowFLAKE. Crazy Kyrsten Sinema vs Martha McSally. When McSally challenged crazy Kyrsten Sinema refused to apologize for encouraging Americans to join the Taliban. You’ll notice the liberal debate moderate tried to stop McSally from bringing up Sinema’s treason. As is typical for nut job Sinema didn’t deny she told Americans to join the Taliban, instead she tried to whine about being “smeared” with the truth. It’s always tough for far-left Democrats when the truth comes out.

“I want to ask right now whether you’re going to apologize to the veterans and me for saying it’s okay to commit treason,” McSally continued. “We need a response because she owes us an apology.”

Sinema’s spokeswoman previously claimed her 2003 comments were “clearly offhand and an effort to get back on the topic of why she opposed the war.”

Rather than responding directly to McSally, Sinema pivoted and accused McSally of engaging in “ridiculous attacks” and “smearing” her campaign.

The two candidates are running to replace Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, who announced in October 2017 that he would not be running for re-election. McSally is leading Sinema by 0.3 points according to the Real Clear Politics average.