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James Thomas University of Mississippi professor calls for stealing of Senator’s food

These socialist-communist leftists are getting crazier by the day. James Thomas University of Mississippi professor of socialogigy made a Twitter post calling on his followers to “put your finger in Senators food” and to bring boxes and take their food home with you. This is just another fine example as to who and what are teaching your kids today.

James Thomas has since made his Twitter profile private, like a typical communist coward after backlash came his way for his tweet. But guess what professor Thomas, your tweet screenshots are all over the Internet anyway.

James Thomas University of Mississippi professor calls for stealing of Senator’s food
James Thomas University of Mississippi professor calls for stealing of Senator's food

This is of course a call to radical leftists to hassle Ted Cruz, Susan Collins, Kirstjen Nielsen and so forth. And as usual, you don’t hear any condemnation from the Democrats or the media who have inspired these radicals like Professor James Thomas to spew such crap. Democrats wouldn’t be satisfied until a Republican is either seriously injured or worse yet, killed.