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Left wing harpies yell at Ted Cruz at airport

Why is it that all left wing hags, like these two yelled at Ted Cruz at an airport all sound a like? Are they like all the same idiots showing how obnoxious they are? Thet left wing attack dogs aren’t comprised of minorities. They are always pasty white, sometime male, other times like this female. Usually they are just paid trolls for George Soros and Tom Steyer, two more white boys. Yes media hacks, this is a mob.

Left wing harpies yell at Ted Cruz at airport
Left wing harpies yell at Ted Cruz at airport

This is relatively mild compared to most left wing extremists these days. At least these harpies aren’t as bad as the nut job ripping up Ted Cruz signs (another pasty white).

Shame you on leftist mobs! Shame on you white trash Democrats!