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If the media and Democrats want to blame Trump and all supporters for Cesar Sayoc Jr, then….

If the media and Democrats want to blame Trump and all supporters for Cesar, then it’s officially the fault of the media, Obama and Clinton and all Democrat that Steve Scalise was shot, A Republican in Northern California was attacked with a knife and Rand Paul got cracked ribs. And I haven’t even started with AntiFA’s crap either. All triggered by the media, Obama, Clinton and the Democrat party.

This whole story stinks. Cesar Sayoc Jr. is a homeless man, living in his van with professionally pressed pro-Trump stickers all over his van…. This is in Miami, not exactly a hotbed of conservatives either. You honestly don’t think someone this flamboyant with his Trump support wouldn’t have seen his van vandalized, or even burned? This is Miami after all, not exactly a place known for law and order.

If the media and Democrats want to blame Trump and all supporters for Cesar Sayoc Jr, then….
If the media and Democrats want to blame Trump and all supporters for Cesar Sayoc Jr, then....

If this Cesar Sayoc Jr. clown was an ISIS terrorist, the media and Democrats would be calling him a “lone wolf” and not a reflection of radical Islam. If this guy were an AntiFa terrorist, the media would whitewash the story about Sayoc, claiming he’s “down on his luck” living out of his van and was just letting off steam. Then the media would drop the story like a hot potato.

But since Cesar Sayoc Jr. can be portrayed as a “Trump supporter”, he suddenly reflects Trump and all his supporters. This one nut job reflects the 62 million “deplorables” that voted for Trump.

Usually the media and Democrats try to make all Trump supporters out to be gun toting, white supremacists, Nazis and racists. But Cesar Sayoc Jr. doesn’t fit that bill, so they are making him out to be a right-wing ISIS terrorist.

So from now on, the next time a left wing extremist does something like shoot at congresspeople, attack conservatives with knives or other weapons or break a senator’s ribs, it will be entirely the fault of the media, the Democrats, Obama, Joe Biden and the Clinton Crime Family. The media and Democrats have laid down the ground rules today. All anti-Trump, anti-Republican violence from now on will have blood on the hands of the media and Democrats. No more questions, no more “motive” searches.