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Second caravan allegedly armed with guns and explosives

With the first “caravan” of 14,000 illegal aliens still weeks away from hitting our border, a second caravan right behind the first sounds even more dangerous than just a bunch of illegals wanting to get American welfare. This second caravan allegedly has individuals with guns and explosives ready to use against American troops and civilians.

Second caravan allegedly armed with guns and explosives
Second caravan allegedly armed with guns and explosives

A second caravan of migrants has broken through to Mexico having crossed a river from Guatemala, and authorities report that some of them are armed with explosives and other weapons.

The Associated Press, via Daily Mail, reports that the mob has been much more unruly than the first, with some allegedly carrying weapons and firebombs made from improvised soft-drink bottles and gasoline.

The group has seemingly upgraded their arsenal, having used rocks and sticks against Mexican police over the weekend.