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Female Democrats pose nude to ‘protest’ GOP

Is there really anything more unattractive than a leftist Democrat, male or female? Democrats and leftists in general are some of the ugliest people on the face of the earth on the inside and out. Now, female Democrats are posing nude to “protest” the GOP with a “grab them by the ballot” campaign or something.

There’s even video of these ugly female Democrat stripping down to ‘attract’ voters. Somehow, I don’t think this will pay very well. I’m not going to post a link to the video, as I don’t want you throwing up all over your phone, tablet or computer monitor.

This would have been more effective for Halloween more than anything else.

Female Democrats pose nude to ‘protest’ GOP
Female Democrats pose nude to 'protest' GOP

Several Democrat women stripped to their skivvies for a photo shoot that is part of a campaign to urge people to vote against Republicans this election season.
Ten women decided to pose nude with paper ballots covering their private areas in a Vermont studio on October 28 for a photo shoot called “Grab Them by the Ballot,” in the hopes they could convince people to cast their ballots for Democrats instead of Republicans this November.