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Gallup: GOP enthusiasm R+3 over Democrats

With all the talk and hype from the corrupt media, you would think Democrats were about to gain over 60 seats in the House like Republicans did in 2010. There’s one big problem though. Since the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, GOP enthusiasm has soared for the GOP, now actually topping the Democrats by three points according to the latest Gallup polling. 72% of Republican voters are enthusiastic about Tuesday’s election while 69% of Democrats are. That’s amazing considering how the media constantly harps on how enthusiastic Democrat voters are. Maybe the poll is racist or something, right Donnie Lemon?

Gallup: GOP enthusiasm R+3 over Democrats
Gallup: GOP enthusiasm R+3 over Democrats

With R+3 in this poll, those numbers are looking a lot more like 2002 than 2006 or 2010.

Let’s compare this to other wave elections and Gallup’s enthusiasm gap.

1994: Republican wave election, Gallup had Republicans up eight in enthusiasm
2006: Democrat wave election: Gallup had Democrats up 12 points with a very unpopular, George W. Bush as POTUS
2010: Republican wave election: Gallup had Republicans up a historic 18% in enthusiasm over Democrats. That resulted in the net gain of 63 house seats and hundreds of state seats flipping from Democrat to Republican.

With numbers like these, things are looking more like 2002 or even 2016 than they are 2006. Democrats are really going to have to swing for the fences with phony scandals. I can’t wait to see what they pull over the weekend.

Republicans lead nationwide in early voting, which is underhead of. Democrats up until this year always dominated in early voting. They did so in 2016 and you know how that turned out.