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CNN and Jim Acosta file lawsuit over press credentials being revoked

This is hilarious and about to get even funnier. CNN and Jim Acosta have reportedly filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration because their press credentials were revoked, after Acosta karate chopped a female White House intern.

CNN and Jim Acosta file lawsuit over press credentials being revoked
CNN and Jim Acosta file lawsuit over press credentials being revoked

CNN and Jim Acosta are allegedly suing the Trump administration for removing the press credentials of the controversial reporter following a tense incident Wednesday during a news conference at the White House.

According to ABC’s former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson, Acosta and his employer filed a lawsuit and are expecting a court hearing in the upcoming week.

The news came during an episode of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” when Donaldson told host Brian Stelter that he had been asked by the network to give an affidavit in support of Acosta.