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73.1% of Mexican citizens have an unfavorable opinion of the caravan invasion

I guess the people of Mexico don’t like the illegal alien caravan invaders either. Especially since they aren’t just bypassing Mexico and hopping right into America. A poll from Mexican newspaper El Universal shows that 73.1% of Mexican citizens have a negative view of the illegal alien caravan invasion. 46% of those surveyed think crime will increase in Mexico because of these invaders and 27.1% would think the caravan invaders would “take jobs away from Mexicans”.

Funny how no American polling outfits have done polls on what Americans think of the caravan and illegal alien invaders.

It gets better. Now that Mexico’s socialist president has been sworn in, 52.8% of the population already disagrees with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to give work visas to Central American migrants arriving in Mexico. Finally, 55.8% of Mexicans said that López Obrador should be “harder” with future illegal alien caravans. Only 16.7% who considered that they should be “more flexible”.

73.1% of Mexican citizens have an unfavorable opinion of the caravan invasion
73.1% of Mexican citizens have an unfavorable opinion of the caravan invasion

Mexico has two choices now that their new president has been sworn in. Take care of the illegal alien invasion problem that they used to support or become Venezuela. Mexico basically elected a Hugo Chavez clone, so their economy will likely go to pot over the next few years. You’ll probably start seeing shortages of goods and services in Mexico soon too. Those American companies that shipped jobs from the US to Mexico will be very sorry within 2-4 years when Lopez Obrador takes them over.