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For Christmas, New York Times romanticized Hezbollah

Leave it to progressives at the New York Times to celebrating Christmas by romanticizing about terrorist group Hezbollah. You shouldn’t be surprised as leftists, like those at the New York Times always have a soft spot for terrorists. Many of the tactics used by the left, including the media (or AntiFa terrorists) is straight out of the Hezbollah handbook.

For Christmas, New York Times romanticized Hezbollah
For Christmas, New York Times romanticized Hezbollah

The New York Times was mocked Tuesday for a piece that romanticized efforts by militant group Hezbollah to help spread holiday cheer.

While Hezbollah has been described as an Iranian-backed terrorist organization, the Times’ World section sent out the following tweet:

“Even Hezbollah, the Shiite political movement and militia that the United States has branded a terrorist organization, has helped ring in the season in previous years, importing a Santa to Beirut’s southern suburbs to distribute gifts.”