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‘Walls absolutely do work’ – Mark Morgan, Border Patrol Chief under Obama

Mark Morgan, the border patrol chief under open borders Marxist Hussein Obama went on the Tucker Carlson show tonight and had a rare moment of truth. Morgan admitted that we definitely need a border wall in this country to keep out the invading illegal aliens. It’s not “immoral”, wrong or whatever other adjective Democrats and the media like to attach to it.

‘Walls absolutely do work’ – Mark Morgan, Border Patrol Chief under Obama
'Walls absolutely do work'   - Mark Morgan, Border Patrol Chief under Obama

If Congress is unwilling to protect the American people (and we already know they refuse to), then use a national emergency to build the wall, if that’s legal. Unfortunately, with Democrats openly embracing communism and socialism, something like this is the only thing that will get the funds needed for the border wall or fence or whatever.