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Politico leftist: you should sacrifice your life for Ruth Bader Ginsburg

We already know Democrats are basically open-borders communists. But did you know they were cult-like too? I guess you did as you probably remember what it was like when Hussein Obama was POTUS. Now, Politico leftist Roger Simon is asking people if they would sacrifice time from their lives to give it to Ruth Bader Ginsburg or something. I hate Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but I don’t wish any ill or bad on her. I just hope she’s out of the Supreme Court fast enough so that Trump can appoint another conservative judge and send the Democrats and media into an epic meltdown. Now leftists want to redistribute health. This isn’t an RPG game where you get a certain amount of health points and go up with experience. This is what the loony Politico leftist Roger Simon actually posted on Twitter:

Politico leftist: you should sacrifice your life for Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Politico leftist: you should sacrifice your life for Ruth Bader Ginsburg

This is almost as crazy as the spirit cooking Democrat cult. You can almost hear the Loony Toons theme in the background when you read this tweet.