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CNN Don Lemon: Trump tax cuts are racist!

Did you know tax cuts are now considered racist? Yep, they are according to Don Lemon-head at CNN. The bitter fruit first started talking about Steve King of Iowa (yet has nothing to say about Rashida Tlaib’s anti-Semite speeches and tweets.) Funny how that works.

CNN Don Lemon: Trump tax cuts are racist!
CNN Don Lemon: Trump tax cuts are racist!

He went on to claim that Trump supporters remained silent about the president’s bigotry because they liked tax cuts.

“Again, Trump supporter who’s overlooking some other bigoted, racist aspect of this president, for what?! You think you’re going to get a tax cut? How much? How much money is it worth to you that you have someone who is a racist in office? How much of a tax cut does it matter? There isn’t that much money in the world for me!”