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Buzzfeed is about as credible as Michael Cohen, aka not at all

How is it that people even trusted Buzzfeed in the first place? They are the home of several debunked “bombshells” including the release of the so called Trump-Russia dossier funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that the corrupt media runs with these so called bombshells without verifying them, only to be completely embarrassed later. Or the fact that so many rubes actually believe the crap that Buzzfeed peddles on a daily basis.

Buzzfeed is about as credible as Michael Cohen, aka not at all
Buzzfeed is about as credible as Michael Cohen, aka not at all

Buzzfeed is about as credible as Michael Cohen himself, aka they aren’t credible at all and never have been.

I mean look at the editor in chief of Buzzfeed, Ben Smith. He is a Politico cast off who was one of the prominent members of the left wing e-mailing group “JournOlist.” Ben Smith alone is about as credible as Anthony Weiner.