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#WomensMarch2019 – Anti Semite march filled with ‘white genocide’ signs too

So the anti-Semites head their little march today in left wing cesspools all over the country. Turns out a lot of anti-Semites, posing as feminists turned out for these witch coven rallies. But it wasn’t only a parade of anti-Semites. It was a parade of racists, as “marchers” help up signs like “white genocide now” and other racist signs. The ironic thing about those holding up these racist signs were they were held up mostly be lily white progressive communists living in their parent’s basements. Turns out, it’s not only the Jews the hate. They hate themselves too.

#WomensMarch2019 – Anti Semite march filled with ‘white genocide’ signs too
#WomensMarch2019 - Anti Semite march filled with 'white genocide' signs too

Even though the loudest, most obnoxious members of the communist Women’s March are Farrakhan lovers, this isn’t a black vs. white or brown vs. white issue. This is nothing more than a sniveling little communist coward group of socialists put through college by their rich parents.