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Little Marco Rubio vows to ‘fight’ Trump on emergency declaration for border wall

Little foam both boy Marco Rubio, a Koch sucker is vowing to fight Trump, if he decides to do an emergency declaration to fund the border wall. There are ways Trump can build the border wall without an emergency declaration, or Congress. Because let’s face facts, there is no way in hell that communist Democrats will ever agree to protect the southern border. They need the unlimited flow of illegal aliens to turn them into voters. Nearly 100,000 illegal aliens voted in the past election in Texas alone. I guarantee they didn’t vote for Ted Cruz either.

Little Marco Rubio vows to ‘fight’ Trump on emergency declaration for border wall
Little Marco Rubio vows to 'fight' Trump on emergency declaration for border wall

Little Marco Rubio, who was once thought to be a future GOP presidential candidate basically pissed all that away during the 2016 primary. He know’s it, so now he’s Koch whore. Little Marco Rubio was busy sucking up to sleepy eyes Chuck Todd this morning. With McCain dead, look for Little Marco to be one of the media’s favorite “Republicans’ for their Sunday propaganda shows.

TODD: You have said you are opposed to the national emergency option. In three weeks, I know you have no appetite on either side of the aisle for another shutdown. So if that’s the only way to keep the government funded, he goes national emergency, how defiant are you on this option? Will you fight the president on this or not?

RUBIO: I don’t think it’s a good I think it will be a terrible idea. I hope he doesn’t do it.

TODD: But would you fight him on it?

RUBIO: Sure. Because I think it’s important. Look I don’t think we will have to fight. I’m not sure they will do that. I know it’s an option they looked at. But now you are at the mercy of a district court and ultimately an appellate court. It may not withstand if you look at some of the other rulings we have seen. The other is the precedent it would set. It’s not a good precedent to set. It doesn’t mean I don’t want border security. I do. I think that’s the wrong way to achieve it. It doesn’t provide certainty. You could wind up in a theatric victory at the front and not get it done. The best way to do it is to have a law that funds border security so we know it’s going to happen.