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Democrats bringing illegal aliens to State of the Union

Illegal aliens, that shouldn’t be in this country to begin with are being invited by Democrats to next week’s State of the Union address. This is what the communist Democrats have devolved into. One of the illegal aliens was fired by Trump’s New Jersey golf club after it was discovered she was in this country illegally. The illegal alien named Victorina Morales from Guatemala has suddenly become an “activist” for illegal alien “rights.”

Democrats bringing illegal aliens to State of the Union
Democrats bringing illegal aliens to State of the Union

In attendance at President Trump’s scheduled State of the Union address will be one of his former employees, an illegal immigrant who was fired from the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster.

According to Fox News, Victorina Morales, the illegal immigrant from Guatemala fired from the golf club, was invited by Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ). She worked there as a housekeeper for five years.

“The woman, who’s an illegal immigrant, has since become an advocate for other illegal immigrants in the country,” reports Fox News. “She recently spoke out in the media about the Trump Organization’s hiring practices.”

Congresswoman Coleman recently denounced President Trump as a hypocrite for pushing border wall funding while having hired illegal immigrants at his golf club in the past.