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Ralph Northam – Democrat who endorses infanticide is mad at those calling him out, whines on Twitter

Unfortunately, it looks like the once great state of Virginia has become the new New York or California. Communist Democrats like Ralph Northam wants to control the state’s population by endorsing and using infanticide. Northam, the communist Democrat governor of Virginia went on Virginia radio and promoted a bill by communist delegate Kathy Tran that would allow for a baby to be killed “if the mother wishes” after being born. This, in addition to late term abortion up until the time of dilation.

The backlash Northam has gotten really seems to have triggered him. He went to Twitter to whine about how offended he is about people finding his abortion and infanticide policy disgusting and ghoulish.

Ralph Northam – Democrat who endorses infanticide is mad at those calling him out, whines on Twitter
Ralph Northam - Democrat who endorses infanticide is mad at those calling him out, whines on Twitter

Too bad for little Ralphy, a lot of other people are offended by his defense of infanticide. You should check out some of the response Little Ralphy is getting on Twitter.