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Metadata shows CNN obtained indictment of Roger Stone leaked by FBI

As if we needed anymore proof that the FBI leaked the Roger Stone raid and indictment to CNN, here is even more proof. CNN received an early draft copy of the indictment against Stone. The draft identifies it as being authored by the initials A.A.W. Why is that significant? Because A.A.W. is Mueller goon Andrew Weissmann.

Metadata shows CNN obtained indictment of Roger Stone leaked by FBI
Metadata shows CNN obtained indictment of Roger Stone leaked by FBI

Attorneys for Roger Stone have provided evidence to support their claim the special counsel’s office leaked information to CNN.

Lawyers sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee detailing how CNN received an early draft copy of the indictment against Stone. The draft was provided to Stone’s attorneys by CNN’s Sara Murray to confirm the raid and arrest.

The lawyers are claiming metadata on the draft identifies it as being authored by the initials A.A.W., who is suspected to be lead special counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissmann. The metadata also allegedly shows the copy of the draft obtained by CNN came from the FBI and not the courts as CNN alleged.

“There was some unusually grand jury activity in Washington, D.C. yesterday, Robert Mueller’s grand jury typically meets on Friday’s, yesterday, a Thursday, there was grand jury activity — we also had some other signs that maybe something was going on this angle, the Roger Stone angle, so we showed up at his house this morning and we were the only ones there,” CNN producer David Shortell alleged while on the scene at Stone’s Florida home.