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Trump to sign national emergency to fund border wall

With communist Democrats and spineless Republicans refusing to secure the border and build the complete border wall, Trump is finally taking action into his own hands. Trump will sign a national emergency order to fund the remaining parts of the border wall that Congress refuses to do. Expect blowback from the media, communist Democrats and spineless Republicans.

Trump has basically run out of choices. Personally, I don’t care if lazy government workers are cut off, but too many people to and Trump doesn’t want another partial government shut down. This is the only way to accomplish both.

Trump to sign national emergency to fund border wall
Trump to sign national emergency to fund border wall


Enough is enough with the third world caravan, welfare leeches, drug dealers, human traffickers and anchor baby dropping. BUILD THE WALL. If you filthy Republicans in Congress don’t like it, that’s just too damn bad. You had two years of full congress control and did nothing.