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Dumb Ocasio-Cortez says border wall is like Berlin Wall

Another now more deep thoughts from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, better known as Occasional-Cortex. She thinks a border wall is an “abomination” and that it’s like the Berlin Wall or something.

Dumb Ocasio-Cortez says border wall is like Berlin Wall
Dumb Ocasio-Cortez says border wall is like Berlin Wall

Apparently, Ocasio-Cortez thinks that the United States is a part of Mexico now or something and that we are separating Americans in the North and South of the border from visiting each other. Guess what dumb ass Ocasio-Cortez? A border wall is NOTHING like the Berlin Wall. Mexico and the United States are a part of one country like East Germany and West Germany back in the old days.

Please, AOC< never change and keep spewing your crap. You are the best thing to happen to the 2020 Trump re-election than all the money in the world. The way you show the world how dumb you and the rest of the communists is very refreshing.