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NBC Ken Dilanian compares Trump to Castro

Seems the corrupt left wing propaganda media can’t settle on a dictator to compare Trump too. Today, as Trump gives his CPAC 2019 speech, NBC hack Ken Dilanian compared Trump to communist Cuba dictator (now dead) Fidel Castro. Problem for Dilanian and the rest of the hacks at NBC is that if you are going anymore to Fidel Castro, it’s them and their party. Usually these left wing media hacks compare Trump to Hitler (and other socialist), I guess Fidel Castro is the flavor of the day for the corrupt media.

NBC Ken Dilanian compares Trump to Castro
NBC Ken Dilanian compares Trump to Castro

Hey Ken Dilanian. You do remember that your pal Obama actually was holding hands with Fidel Castro’s brother on his trip to Cuba right? You do realize that your entire Democrat party’s base and platform is basically a carbon copy of Fidel Castro and communist Cuba right? You also realize that the biggest “stars” of your party like Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Bernie Sanders have the same ideology as Castro right?