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AOC flees questions on allegations she may have violated campaign finance laws

Uh oh, Commie-Ohs. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the big mouthed, obnoxious communist-socialist from New York City is in a lot of trouble. Seems Ocasio-Cortez and her Chief of Staff funneled around a million dollars in campaign contributions to a Super Pac called Justice Democrats and private companies. Hypocrite “Sandy” Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t too talkative when confronted by Fox News about the campaign finance law possible violation. Ocasio-Cortez and her Chief of Staff could face jail time (yea right), if found guilty. Ocasio-Cortez also doesn’t consider this “dark money”, something she and other communist socialist Democrats are always pretending to whine about.

AOC flees questions on allegations she may have violated campaign finance laws
AOC flees questions on allegations she may have violated campaign finance laws

Democrat communists and socialists (all one in the same) always get away with corruption like this. I have no doubt Ocasio-Cortez, the darling of the media and the leader of the communist Democrat party wouldn’t face any severe consequences, even if she is found guilty.