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Ocasio Cortez fundraising off antisemitism blaming AIPAC

Seems these Democrat communist-socialist scum have no shame whatsoever. After they watered down their resolution to denounce antisemitism, Democrats like crazy eyes Ocasio-Cortez has taken the anti-Semitism torch from Ilhan Omar and begun to fundraise off it. Check out this fundraising letter Ocasio-Cortez sent out today. She starts it off by claim AIPAC is coming for her and other Democrat socialist antisemitism Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Then it goes on to bashing those who support US-Israel relations. Ocasio-Cortez even compares the support of Israel to that of the Iraq war!

Ocasio Cortez fundraising off antisemitism blaming AIPAC
Ocasio Cortez fundraising off antisemitism blaming AIPAC

Better watch where all that money Ocasio-Cortez goes ends up going. Is it going to go to her fake PAC and LLC like her other donations did?

This is the Democrat socialist model. Blame the Jews just like the German socialist party aka the Nazis did and stir up trouble and backlash against the Jews. Since over 70% of Jews vote for Democrats (which I never understood), what does it matter if they lose a few votes? As long as the big money Jewish Democrats continue giving money to communist-socialists, that’s all they care about. Most of the big money Jewish donors to Democrats actually believe in the anti-Semitic filth the Democrats spew on a daily basis.