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Dumb ass Ilhan Omar deletes tweet claiming she didn’t bash Obama

These idiot socialist-communist Democrats can’t even keep their stories straight, even when the conservation is recorded. Take for example anti-Semite Ilhan Omar. She gave a softball interview to Politico after Nancy Pelosi and the communist-socialists caved to Linda Sarsour and CAIR to water down what was once a resolution denouncing anti-Semitism. Ilhan Omar actually bashed Obama as someone who got away with murder because he had a “pretty face.”

Dumb ass Ilhan Omar deletes tweet claiming she didn’t bash Obama
Dumb ass Ilhan Omar deletes tweet claiming she didn't bash Obama

In the communist-socialist Democrat part, you can be as anti-Semite, racist, and hateful as you want to be and you’ll get a pass. But when it comes to bashing the golden children, Hussein Obama, that’s another story. Omar got raked over the coals by left wing extremists for her comments about Obama to Politico. She claimed that her words were taken out of context and posted a link to the full audio recording of the interview to try and prove everyone wrong.

The audio recording of the Politico interview contained the exact words from Omar that she claimed she never said about Obama. I guess the stupid ass anti-Semite finally realized that once your voice is on tape, you don’t lie your way out of another lie. She quietly deleted the tweet earlier today trying to prove her innocence.

Turns out Politico, even with their softball interview didn’t “distort her words” as she originally claimed in the now deleted tweet. I guess Ilhan Omar distorted her own words. These socialist-communist Democrats need to learn that you don’t bash the Messiah.

In the Democrat party, anti-Semitism is allowed and even encouraged. But lay off the golden child. Is Omar also too stupid to realize that there are literally thousands of copies of her now deleted tweet? Does she think that by simply deleting it, that it will disappear forever?