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O’Rourke calls America’s capitalist economy ‘racist’

The drunk, felon, fake Latino Robert Francis O’Rourke aka “Beto” is desperate to improve his poll numbers in the Democrat primary. So what a better way to do that than to call the American capitalist system “racist” or something. Apparently O’Rourke, the privileged white boy who pretends to be Latino is a socialist like the rest of the communist Democrats. Who didn’t see that coming? Psychedelic Warlord is getting really desperate at this point.

O’Rourke calls America’s capitalist economy ‘racist’
O’Rourke calls America’s capitalist economy ‘racist’

However, O’Rourke added at a coffee shop here, “Having said that, it is clearly an imperfect, unfair, unjust and racist capitalist economy.”

On Friday, O’Rourke lamented “the disparity in wealth accumulation between white America and black America” and spoke favorably about a proposal to give infants a “baby bond” of hundreds of thousands of dollars at birth — mirroring a bill Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) has introduced.

“This idea of a baby bond, where there’s an investment made in every single American depending on their means, will not solve every problem in disparity in wealth and income and opportunity in this country,” O’Rourke said. “But it could go a long way to ensuring that there’s a little bit more fairness in this country.”

O’Rourke, the former Texas congressman who became a Democratic sensation after his near-miss Texas Senate race last year, had opened his second day as a presidential candidate with an impassioned response to the mass shootings at two mosques in New Zealand. While offering prayers and thoughts, he said, “I hope that you will agree with me that it is not enough just to be compassionate, thoughtful and prayerful at this moment.”