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Biden to pick Stacey Abrams as running mate before entering race?

Joe Biden and the Democrats are so desperate. They know Trump is going to crush them next year, so they are pulling out all the tricks in addition to becoming full communists and socialists. Now there is talk that groping pedo Joe Biden may pick gap-toothed Stacey Abrams, the bitter loser from the Georgia Gubernatorial race who needed a green screen to give the Democrat response to the State of the Union address.

Can you imagine these two clowns? Biden and Abrams? Talk about a clown show!

Biden to pick Stacey Abrams as running mate before entering race?
Biden to pick Stacey Abrams as running mate before entering race?

With all of Joe Biden’s baggage, including groping little kids, picking an absolutely radical like Abrams will be the nail in his coffin. Democrat communists don’t thinkk Biden is left wing enough, so picking gappy Abrams is a way for him to try and win street credit.